Statistics on " Indonesia " Population Economy National finances ASEAN country comparison The most important statistics Total population of Indonesia 2029 Population growth in Indonesia 2023 Fertility rate in Indonesia 2022 Crude birth rate in Indonesia 2012-2022 Life expectancy at birth in Indonesia ...
The influence of financial development on total fertility rate in Indonesiadoi:10.22437/ppd.v11i6.28113Afriska, RosaYudo Nugroho, Ris YuwonoJournal of Perspectives on Financing & Regional Development
In the year of 2010, the total population in Indonesia is almost a quarter billion and this number is predicted to increase every year. In order to overcome the fast growth of population, the Indonesian government needs to decline the population growth by reducing the total fertility rate. ...
Peru: total population 2008-2023, by gender Jewish population in selected European countries 2013 Share of Buddhist population Indonesia 2010, by province Educational status of male population with disability in India 2011 Turkish nationals population of the UK 2008-2021 Economically active population Sou...
Change and continuity : the influence of policy on the practice of a traditional birth attendant in Eastern Indonesia Indonesian women continue to experience high rates of maternal mortality despite decades of policies and programs designed to improve maternal health outcomes. The Indonesian province of...
The objective was to verify the performance of spectral techniques as well as validation models in the prediction of nitrogen, total organic carbon, and humic fractions under different cultivation conditions. Chemical analyses for the determination of ni
The fertility rate in Saudi has steadily decreased over the past years in order to attempt to control the rapidly growing population. Read more Saudi Arabia: Total population from 2019 to 2029 (in million inhabitants) Inhabitants in millions30.0630.0631.5531.5530.7830.7832.1832.1832.8232.8233.4833...
This total population of the country consists of all persons falling within the scope of the census.Find more key insights for the total population in countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, and Brunei. Total population in Thailand from 2019 to 2029 (in million inhabitants) ...