Combined debt from both the federal government and individual provincial governments is expected to nearly double from $1.1 trillion in 2007–08 — the year before the last major recession — to an estimated $2.1 trillion by the end of this fiscal year. A large spike in that debt, Fuss said...
Amazon: quarterly federal lobbying expenses 2016-2024 U.S. lobbying expenses of Samsung 2009-2023 U.S. lobbying expenses of Oracle 2009-2021 Lobbying expenditures of largest public U.S. companies 2008-2014 Oil and gas companies spending the most on lobbying the European Union 2018 U.S. Nationa...
In 1993, he joined the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Panel of Economic Advisors, a position he vacated in 2001 when he became Chairman of the United States Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). He also served as Chair of the Economic Policy Committee of the Organization for Economic ...
At the beginning of the 20th century, few people owned their homes (only around 19% of working families) or cars (at about $ 1,000 per ear this was well above the average family income of $ 650 per year), as most people were unable to borrow money. But there was a rapid rise i...
current year prices. Real GDP is the value of final goods and services evaluated at base year prices. By keeping prices constant, we know that changes in real GDP represent changes in the quantity of goods and services produced in the economy. When the price level is increasing, real GDP ...
Most spending on K-12, college, and universities is provided by: a. Federal, state, and local spending equally, b. Local spending for secondary education and federal spending for universities, c. State and local spending, d. Federal spending. Since 2005, t...
With the economy near full employment, wage gains growing at a 4% clip, and rising stock and home values, consumer spending powered higher, keeping gross domestic product (GDP) growth above potential and inflation above the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) 2% target. In response to sticky inflation,...
Rating is based on risk adjusted total return. The overall rating is derived from a weighted average of the fund’s three-, five-, and ten-year average annual returns, as applicable. Click on the question mark next to Morningstar Ratings to view the full Morningstar Ratings, Morningstar Ca...
Get a federal tax identification number (EIN) Open a business bank account Apply for a DUNS number Get a dedicated business phone number Establish trade credit with vendors or suppliers Apply for a business credit card Get a business loan What is Business Credit and Why Do I Need It Business...
Top government prosecutors fired as justice department purge continues The White House fired multiple US attorneys last night as Trump's purge of the FBI and justice department continued. Trump himself was a criminal defendant in two separate federal cases until they were dropped after...