In Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special, Chris is the first person to arrive at the red carpet, in a limousine. Chris momentarily forgets who the Total Drama cast is, but corrects himself later, saying that he loves them and their work. Later, he wins the award for best...
Priya's parents. Priya's parents:Her parents are seen in heraudition. According to Priya, they are great fans ofTotal Drama Island (2007)and raised her to win reality shows just in case there was ever aTotal Dramareboot. It seems that Priya's parents birthed their daughter out of monetar...
This article focuses on the interactions between Duncan and Gwen. Although their interactions are initially restricted in Total Drama Island due to being on opposing teams, the vast similarities that Duncan and Gwen share eventually bring them together i
Total Drama Island (2024)Owen appears as a guest in Fun Fight at the O’Cake Corral to be one of the judges for the challenge, determining which food made by the contestants is the best. Priya is happy to see Owen because he was the first winner of Total Drama Island, and Priya ...
Mike was a camper on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island as a member of the Mutant Maggots. He returned as a camper for Total Drama All-Stars as a member of the Heroic Hamsters and was one of the finalists of the season. His evil personality, Mal, was the
Noah is one of the few characters to have their ethnicity confirmed; Todd Kauffman confirmed that he is Indian-Canadian, similar to Dave, Ellody, Raj and Priya. However, Fresh TV's defunct Tumblr account stated that Noah is Middle-Eastern. According to Total Drama Online, Noah got his ...