Direct observations of CO2 emission reductions due to COVID-19 lockdown across European urban districts. July 15, 2022 [MEDLINE Abstract] Development of immunoassay based on rational hapten design for sensitive detection of pendimethalin in environment. ...
Background This study examined the relationship between male out-migration and family planning (FP) behaviour of women in rural Bihar. Methods Data was collected from 937 currently married women aged 15–34 years from two districts of Bihar, namely Nawada and Gopalganj. Respondents were selected ...
Indiastatlabour.Com - Find the most recent statistical data information about selected state-wise child labour, labour disputes, labour welfare, main workers, marginal workers, civil services, employment, labour courts total workers in india and its stat
Most of the districts of Bihar State in India are endemic. The diagnosis of the VL patients is done by the intracellular demonstration of parasite in the bone marrow/splenic aspirate, which is an invasive procedure and particularly very painful for the children.Lal CS...