A higher protein intake at breakfast does not compromise total daily protein intake in older adultsdoi:10.1007/S41999-018-0097-4Amely M VerreijenMartinet T. StreppelIlse RotteveelDanielle HemanJantine van den HelderCarliene van DronkelaarRobert G. Memelink...
In contrast, protein from food items of animal origin, especially meat and poultry, seemed to be positively associated with long-term weight gain. There were no clear associations for waist changes. 展开 关键词: protein intake animal protein plant protein weight change waist circumference change ...
There were U-shaped associations between protein intake and all-cause and cancer mortality. In multiple adjusted analysis, the second (hazard ratio [HR]=0.38; 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.18-0.82) and third (HR=0.36; 95% CI=0.16-0.82) quintiles of protein intakes were significantly ...
No clear overall associations between intakes of total protein or any of the subgroups and changes in WC were present. The associations showed some heterogeneity between centres, but pooling of estimates was still considered justified. Conclusion: A high intake of protein was not found associated ...
High proportion of animal protein intake (>60% of total protein intake) is more effective than high vegetable diet in low protein diet for chronic renal failure (CRF) patients Author links open overlay panelShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite...
Our TDEE Calculator can be use easily as aweight losscalculator or adaily calorie intakecalculator to achieve your fitness goals. To lose weight you eat less and to gain weight you eat more than your TDEE. We also recommend that you useMacro Countingto hit yourdaily calorie intakeand create...
Easily boost your daily protein intake with delicious High Protein Protein Powder and scientifically selected nutrients that support your active lifestyle.
Total vitamin E intake (mg) was obtained from the NHANES nutritional data. The dietary interviews obtained detailed information on dietary intake from NHANES participants. It used statistic on participants’ daily food and drink intake, including water, and estimated the nutrients, energy, and other...
The daily intake of energy and nutrients on each assessment day was calculated for fortified foods, dietary supplements, and all consumed foods and drinks (i.e. non-fortified foods, non-dietary supplements, fortified foods, and dietary supplements; hereafter referred to as the “total intake”)....
Food intake data from all cohorts was converted into daily nutrient and energy intake (in kcal) using Dutch Food Composition Tables corresponding to the years of dietary assessment. Both FFQs were developed to assess diet in a Dutch population and both FFQs have been validated against other ...