The country’s GDP has also reached a decade high in 2014, more than doubling its value since 2004, despite a significant plunge in 2009. When analyzing year-over -year trends, GDP has continued to positively grow since 2009, however has slowed down since 2012. Read more ... string IP が配置されている国 (ISO-3166 国コード) 無害 data.attributes.last_analysis_stats.harmless integer 無害であるという報告の数 悪意のある data.attributes.last_analysis_stats.malicious integer 悪意があるという報告の数 疑わしい data.attributes.last...
Commit this to memory: Thailand’s sun comes much stronger than your [insert-Northern-country-here] variety. Need proof? The World Health Organization uses a UV index to measure potential skin damage – anything over 6/10 is considered high. Bangkok doesn't fall below an eight, ever (and...
Following is a list of the largest cities in the world by total population. The cities are ranked in descending order, beginning with the largest city first. The population numbers shown include the population within the recognized metro area of the town. They include the people living in the ...
2.1.102 Section 6.2.8, File Name Fields 2.1.103 Section 6.2.9, Document Template Name Fields 2.1.104 Section 6.2.10, Sheet Name Fields 2.1.105 Section 6.3, Variable Fields 2.1.106 Section 6.3.1, Declaring Simple Variables 2.1.107 Section 6.3.2, Setting Simple Variables 2.1.108 ...
Global clinker production capacity 2023, by country Iron ore prices 2000-2023 Secondhand goods: Sales volume percentage change in Great Britain (UK) 2013-2023 Poland - coal consumption in oil equivalent 2009-2023 Oil consumption in Canada 1990-2023 ...
q Choose a country name in which your organization is legally registered from the Country Name drop-down list. q Enter a name or abbreviation of the state, province, region, or territory where your organization is located in the State or Province Name(ST) field. q Enter...
rest is optional - ContextKey - Client - Language - Country - Name - Duration - Expiry - LanguageCode - CountryName # Step 2: Retrieve energy report ### Here you need the session key from step 1 which is stored in sensor.rest_melcloud_context_key ### You will also need the device...
NamePathTypeDescription as_owner data.attributes.as_owner string asn data.attributes.asn integer continent data.attributes.continent string country string ADMINUS Category data.attributes.last_analysis_results.ADMINUSLabs.category string ADMINUS Method data.attributes.last_...
2.1.102 Section 6.2.8, File Name Fields 2.1.103 Section 6.2.9, Document Template Name Fields 2.1.104 Section 6.2.10, Sheet Name Fields 2.1.105 Section 6.3, Variable Fields 2.1.106 Section 6.3.1, Declaring Simple Variables 2.1.107 Section 6.3.2, Setting Simple Variables 2.1.108 Se...