The Total Cost: In economics and finance, the total cost of production involves all the fixed costs and the variable costs incurred in the production of a given volume of output. Answer and Explanation:1 Total cost is calculated as:
A. total cost divided by output. B. the increase in total cost divided by the increase in output. C. the increase in total cost divided by the increase in labor, given the amount of capital. D. total cost minus total fixed cost. ...
Itis calculatedbydividingthetotalstaff cost by the numberoftotalstockholding points to be surveyed. 這項開支是以總員工開支除 以查核的存貨點總數而計算出來。 The LTIFRis calculatedbased onthetotalnumber of injuries ...
It is calculated by dividing the total cost by the quantity produced. The marginal cost is the additional cost of producing one more unit of a good.Answer and Explanation: We know that the average total cost is calculated as: ATC=TCQ w...
Marginal Cost (MC)→ In contrast, the marginal cost is calculated as the change in total cost divided by the change in quantity. The marginal cost curve illustrates the incremental cost of producing one more unit of output, i.e. it focuses on the next unit. ...
units per day. Consequently, the total daily revenue changes to $750. This sounds like an improvement. However, if the cost of the additional advertising is high enough, it could reduce the $750 to the point where it’s not as good as earning $600 while not incurring that extra...
When choosing among alternatives in a purchasing decision, buyers often look at an item’s short-term price, known as its purchase price. However they should also consider its long-term price, which is its total cost of ownership. These are the long-term costs and expenses incurred during th...
Percent─ The cost amount is calculated as a percentage of the total cost of raw materials that are consumed in the production. The percentage that is used for the calculation is entered in the field. Per series─ The cost amount is calculated as an amount per standard batch size of the...
TCO can be calculated as the initial purchase price plus costs of operation across the asset lifespan. Calculating ROI: Total cost of ownership (aka money spent) is a factor to consider when determining return on investment. What factors determine TCO?
Average total cost (ATC) is calculated as follows: A、a. ATC = (change in total cost)/(change in quantity of output). B、b. ATC = (change in total cost)/(change in quantity of input). C、c. ATC = total cost/quantity of output. D、d. ATC = total cost/quantity of input. 点...