Conflict of interest: Authors state no conflict of interest Authors’ contributions: MK designed the N-glycan profiling experimental protocol and glycan assignment procedure, performed all MALDI-TOF-MS analyses and drafted the manuscript body as part of his postdoc; SDP and IC performed sample prepar...
The authors declare no conflict of interest. Appendix A Table A1. Fuzzy self-interaction assessment. Table A2. Crisp value matrix. Table A3. Reachability matrix. Table A4. Intersection matrix. References Zambrano-Monserrate, M.A.; Ruano, M.A.; Sanchez-Alcalde, L. Indirect effects of ...
Today’s world is experiencing a great change that has not been seen in a hundred years, with a tense and complex world situation; under the influence of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, trade friction between China and the U.S., and other events, enterprises need to choose good tactics ...
(4) Conclusions: A minimum of 44 cases are required for experienced laparoscopic surgeons to achieve technical competence for performing LTG. While operation time decreased after completion of the learning curve, quality criteria such as achievement of R0 resection, anastomotic leakage, and perioperative...
Interestingly, considering the role of goblet cells on immunity [75], although not statistically significant, the reduced goblet cell density according to the level of dietary SBM inclusion reported here might have some implications for rainbow trout immunocompetence. Furthermore, although a lower ...