Characters [8] Weapons and Items [1] Clothing [5] Companions [0] Environment [5] Replacer / Presets [3] Utilities [1] Ships [0] Planets [0] Misc [3] User Interface [14] Perks and Skills [0] Modders Resources [1] Visuals [32] Settlements [0] Factorio [54]...
Naryska Leysa is one of the few Kislevite characters aside from the already playable ones that we know a few things about thanks to bits and pieces conveyed to us through the game’s lore. She is a character created by Creative Assembly rather than Games Workshop and is currently the Gold...
There are some parts of the world you won’t be able to engage with without accessing some of the Genshin Impact characters hidden behind gacha mechanics, but you can enjoy the whole main story and the majority of the open world relatively uninterrupted by paid mechanics. If you’re itching...
The "Arcane Exemplar" boon of chaos for Tzeentch characters had the stated unlock condition of "End your turn with less than 30 Winds of Magic reserves" but also unlocked when ranking up in channeling stance. The text and requirement have been updated to be just ranking up in the channelling...
The G305 on the other hand, is based on characters like Sayu, Thoma, and Shiknoin Heizou. In the future, you can expect to see the addition of headsets, keyboards, and bundles as well. another cool feature of this partnership is the availability of built-in controller...
Despite the game's anime aesthetic and gacha system gating some of its best characters, fans have flocked from all kinds of demographics to downloadGenshin Impactand try it out. There's no doubt it's heavily inspired byBreath of the Wild, but it does enough different - in terms of struct...
Mid-sneeze, making weird faces, eyes glowing in the dark — essentially anything that makes you laugh out loud and go "WTF." byAlice Lahoda BuzzFeed Staff I think we can all agree that pet owners have one major thing in common: we're all obsessed with taking pictures of our pets. Slee...