The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by The Manhattan Engineer District, June 29, 1946. Total Casualties. There has been great difficulty in estimating the total casualties in the Japanese cities as a result of the atomic bombing. The extensive
While state-sponsored imperialist wars tend to have the greatest numbers of casualties, it is not the number of casualties alone that defines a total war. Smaller conflicts across the globe, such as tribal wars, incorporate aspects of total war by kidnapping, enslaving, and killing civilians. Th...
large-scale attacks on civilians—like those on London, Coventry, Dresden, Berlin, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and countless other cities in World War II—are absent from the Civil War. If Sherman’s bummers, on their March to the Sea, had executed large numbers of civilians, they ...
It is entitled“Civilian Casualties”and its subtextreads:“Images like this one fuelled the post-war debate over thebomber offensive.”The museum needsthe imagetomake the visitor understandthe reasons for the debate in the first place. In museumswherethere is no men-tion of debate, air-war ...