WE VALUE One-to-One relationships Durable Medical Equipment Company Contact Us! OUR MISSION It has been our goal to provide the highest quality of home healthcare equipment, supplies and services, in a cost-effective manner, to all our patients. We strive to improve the health of our patien...
I have all the faith in the world in Sky Lakes Medical Center and Dr. Heaton. I was ‘up and going’ on day one and I now have almost no scar. While in the hospital, I was treated like a queen. My care was so superb, I wouldn’t go anywhere else – and I’m getting ready...
Don’t settle for anything less than the best medical care. Call or email us to learn more about how you can change your life by enrolling in a Total Access Medical care program. Your doctor should feel like your doctor and your personal care should be personal. ...
【TotalCare】古稀老人的亲人护士 明基医院一直在奉行“Total Care”(全人照护)的医疗模式,医治病体的同时,也注重病患心、灵的治疗与康复。我们的护理人员也在和病患的相处中,习惯了主动关怀。因为明基特有的“主护护理”模式,护理人员对病患有着更深更多的了解,她们脑中所想的,并不是赶快把事情做完,而是一切以...
Medical Cooperation and Total Care for Pediatric CancerHajime HosoiAnnals of Oncology
Medical care focuses on the body's natural ability to heal itself. Contact Total Health and Wellness in Johnson City TN today for our special offer!
12年前身患急性非淋巴细胞白血病,后经血液科李东主任治疗后康复的患者邵芳,和几位老病友如约而至。他们仍然活跃在血液病之家,现身说法,用自己的爱心为其他病友加油打气。 一位罕见血液病患者,9年前卖了房子在多家医院辗转治病,花了近200万也未见转机。当时她连续发高烧数天,喉咙痛得已喝不下水,很多医院都不愿收...
【TotalCare】想病人所想,急病人所急的小护士 最近6B病区收到了一面锦旗,“精心呵护,爱的天使 ”,特意送给护士李欢欢。“这已经是她收到的第二面锦旗了”,护理长的一席话,激起了大家的好奇,纷纷将目光投向了这位年轻的护士。 欢欢两年前毕业于南京卫生学校,上学时就很热爱这份工作,很用心的学习护理基础知识,...
【TotalCare】克服血友病患者的手术难关 血友病,遗传性凝血因子缺乏引起的出血性疾病。患者在自发或轻度外伤后因凝血功能障碍,出血不能自发停止。因此血友病被当作外科手术的禁忌症,患者常因术中或术后的出血而导致失血性休克、伤口经久不愈……危险性极大。近日,一位80高龄的血友病患者,因前列腺增生致尿潴留,在...
【TotalCare】中医整脊让病患啧啧称奇 开诊时间刚到,南京明基医院中医部针灸推拿科谢允超医师的门前已排满了人。颈椎病、肩周炎、腰椎间盘突出、小儿脊柱侧弯……很多未达到手术指征,长期药物治疗又无效的骨关节病患者都在谢医师的精心治疗下,恢复健康。