and Rota M.: Determination of total bilirubin in whole blood from neonates: results from a French multicenter study; Clin Chem Lab Med 2006;44(9): 1103-1110.Borgard JP,Szymanowicz A,Pellae I,et al.Determination of total bilirubin in whole blood from neonates:results from a French ...
Experimental Bilirubin Encephalopathy:importance of total bilirubin, protein binding, and blood-brain barrier[J].Pediatric Research 1986,20.Wennberg RP, Hance AJ: Experimental bilirubin encephalopathy: Im- portance of total bilirubin, protein binding, and blood- brain barrier. Pediatr Res 20:789-792,...
The total bilirubin concentration and the activity of AST, ALT, GLDH, CPK, and AP were determined in the blood of cows (10 cows per group) after the first, third and fourth calvings, 15 days prior to the expected calving date and 3 and 10 days after calving. In all three groups of...
PURPOSE:To enable exact measurement in a measuring method of total bilirubin using a stabilized diazonium salt by using diphiline as a reaction accelerator and using an org. acid for a buffer system. CONSTITUTION:A stabilized diazomium salt which is heretofore used is usable and the amt. of ...
Evaluation of total bilirubin determination in neonatal whole-blood samples by multiwavelength photometry on the ROCHE OMNI S point-of-care analyzer. Point of Care 2005;4:3-8.Rolinski B, Okorodudu AO, Kost G, Roser M, Wu J, Goer- lach-Graw A, et al. Evaluation of total bilirubin ...
Using blood samples from neonates with suspected hyperbilirubinemia, we made measurements on plasma from centrifuged samples and on hemolyzed and nonhemolyzed aliquots of the same blood samples. RESULTS: In the first series of experiments, we compared the Unistat bilirubinometer's readings with the...
To explore the association between total serum bilirubin (TSB) level in umbilical cord blood (UCB) and the occurrence and/or severity of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants.We performed a prospective study of 579 VLBW infants. The mean TSB level in ...
1. A method for preparing reagents to determine bilirubin total in blood serum distinctive in that 4 parts by weight of pulverised sulphanilic acid are mixed with 6 parts by weight of distilled water with addiction of 0.1 parts by weight of Triton X-100 and 7 parts by weight of ...
ObjectiveTotal bilirubin is beneficial for protecting cardiovascular diseases in adults. The authors aimed to investigate the association of total bilirubin, red blood cell, and hemoglobin levels with the prevalence of high blood pressure in children and adolescents....
1. A method for preparing reagents to determine bilirubin total in blood serum distinctive in that 4 parts by weight of pulverised sulphanilic acid are mixed with 6 parts by weight of distilled water with addiction of 0.1 parts by weight of Triton X-100 and 7 parts by weight of ...