Salarytics helps you better understand your total compensation (TC) by showing a year-by-year break down of money you earn.
Calculate what your employer spends on your total compensation package which is based on the base salary plus bonuses and benefits with this personalized tool. Start the total compensation calculator tool to view industry averages and enter your compensation information for a custom report. ...
Your employees may be surprised to find out how much is paid out in other benefits in addition to their salaries. The employer has both required and discretionary payments that it makes on behalf of the employee. Use this calculator to help illustrate the total compensation package for an emplo...
Total Compensation Management solution with market pricing, pay equity, and salary benchmarking tools. Optimize pay strategies, build job architectures, and pay competitively.
workers' compensationObjective: The purpose of this paper is to describe and evaluate a web-based, educational Health Risk Calculator that communicates the value of investing in employee health and well-being for the prevention of workrelated injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. Methods: We developed...