Ankle arthroplastyAnkle arthritisAnkle arthrodesisOne of the most widely debated topics amongst foot and ankle surgeons is the treatment of end stage arthritis. With the advent of the newer generation of total ankle replacement (TAR), a viable option over an arthrodesis is now available for ...
Salto Talaris Total Ankle ProsthesisScandinavian Total Ankle Replacement SystemTotal ankle arthroplastyAttempts at total ankle replacement (TAR) have existed for at least 55 years. Time has essentially eliminated constrained, cemented, first-generation prostheses. Although some two-component, more anatomical...
Patients often ask why, if they were able to walk on the day of their knee or hip replacement, cannot they walk on their ankle replacement for weeks after surgery. After all, the implants do not rely on bony ingrowth prior to being mechanically stable and are made ...
Similar revision rates and unplanned reoperation rates for both procedures in the later-date cohort can likely be attributed to a learning curve for surgeons as well as advances in implant design. This analysis of billing health insurance data supports an increase in total ankle replacement surgeries...
In last years, total ankle replacement has increased indications, thanks to advances in surgical technique, materials and design that provided new solutions for surgeons. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of total ankle replacement (TAR), implanted using a trans-fibular ...
Range of motion after total ankle replacement surgery. Credit: Steven Raikin, The Rothman Orthopedics Institute at Jefferson Health Surgical reconstruction is a life changer for people with end-stage ankle arthritis, a painful condition that limits patients' abilities to go up and down stairs, get ...
The ability to mismatch tibial/talar components allows surgeons to appropriately size each patient's arthroplasty andReferences (17) P.F. Rippstein Clinical experiences with three different designs of ankle prostheses Foot Ankle (2002) B. Hintermann et al. Total ankle replacement Foot Ankle (2003)...
Total ankle replacement has become more widely accepted in recent years because of improved design and survivorship rates for the implants, as well as improved patient satisfaction scores. Indications for total ankle replacement have broadened. To continue these successes, it is important for surgeons ...
Patients presenting with end-stage ankle arthritis with coronal plane talar deformities have a variety of complex multidirectional deformities that require careful preoperative assessment and a clear understanding of the pathophysiology. Surgeons managing these patients with total ankle arthroplasty need to be...
Deficiencies in mobility cannot be easily compensated for by the hip or the ankle. The incongruity of the opposing joint surfaces with the additional complexity of the patellofemoral articulation have presented a challenge for over a century to those surgeons attempting to provide relief from major ...