Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Western countries of waging a "total war" on Russia and its people and culture as Moscow pushes on with its military operation in Ukraine. "The West has declared war on us, on the whole Russian world," Lavrov said at a mi...
In a perverse irony, some of the American military equipment rescued from capture by the Taliban has been dispatched to Ukraine – specifically, fighter jets that could not be used by the Afghan Air Force. For the most part, though, what ended up in Kabul is now in the hands of a forme...
The shocking Sputnik launch more than a decade earlier had galvanized America to concentrate its wealth, military might, manufacturing prowess, and best and brightest minds into winning the Space Race. The New York Times reported on July 21, 1969, that those efforts had come to fruition as two...
The shocking Sputnik launch more than a decade earlier had galvanized America to concentrate its wealth, military might, manufacturing prowess, and best and brightest minds into winning the Space Race. The New York Times reported on July 21, 1969, that those efforts had come to fruition as two...
The Pentagonese “battle rhythm” offered to a supposedly “credible, resilient and combat-capable Ukraine military” is fed by a EUCom system that essentially moves weapons orders from Pentagon warehouses in the U.S. to branches of the Empire of Bases in Europe and then to the NATO eastern...
’s more populist positions are ones they’ll come to regret. High tariffs on imports sound great until you realize it will raise the prices of thousands of consumer goods without doing much to improve the economy at home. Cutting off aid to Ukraine is another idea Republicans will regret ...