function __toString() { return $this->name; } private $name; } try { printObject(new MyName("Bill")); printObject(NULL); printObject(new MyName("jane")); } catch (NullHandleException $exception) { print $exception->getMessage(); print " in file " . $exception->getFile(); print...
toString function returns a string representation of an object. I’ll explain how to add toString method to a Java class with code examples. Using toString in Java To string method in Java should be informative to make it easy to read. it’s recommended to override this method in each clas...
1.toString()方法 在java中,所有对象都有toString()这个方法 创建类时没有定义toString方法输出对象时会输出哈希码值 它通常只是为了方便输出,比System.out.println(xx),括号里面的"xx"如果不是String类型的话,就自动调用xx的toString()方法 它只是sun公司开发java的时候为了方便所有类的字符串操作而特意加入的一个...
// Java code to demonstrate//toString() function of Date classimportjava.util.Date;importjava.util.Calendar;publicclassGfG{// main methodpublicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){// creating a Calendar objectCalendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();// set Month// MONTH starts with 0 i.e. ( 0 - J...
// toString() function of Date class importjava.util.Date; importjava.util.Calendar; publicclassGfG{ // main method publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args) { // creating a Calendar object Calendarc1=Calendar.getInstance(); // set Month // MONTH starts with 0 i.e. ( 0 - Jan) ...
// Java program that demonstrates// thetoString() functionimportjava.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;publicclassGFG{publicstaticvoidmain(String args[]){// Initially value as 0AtomicInteger val =newAtomicInteger(0); System.out.println("Previous value: "+ val); ...
"toString() in java.lang.Object is not defined in a public class or interface; cannot be accessed from outside package"I mean toString() is a public method from object so is there by default.I am running JSDK 1.4.2 on windows xp...
(64, 8));console.log("getHEX(100, 3):", getHEX(100, 3));console.log("getHEX(206, 4):", getHEX(206, 4));console.log("getHEX(209, 9):", getHEX(209, 9));console.log("getHEX(10, 5):", getHEX(10, 5));function getHEX(x, y) {return x.toString(y);} 3 JAVA实验t...