INTERNAL PUMP: The internal pump automatically removes collected water from the dehumidifier so you never experience downtime due to a full water bucket. Water can be pumped sideways or vertically up to 16 feet away. Water will collect in the bucket until it's almost full, then the internal ...
Dehumidifier/GDN20AZ-A3EBA2A / GDN35BB-A3EBA2A / GDN50BA-A3EBA2D / GDN50BA-A3EBA2F 1 Year Purchase Order No. /Invoice/SN Window AC Chalet SeriesGJC08BS-A6NRNJ1A / GJC10BS-A6NRNJ1A / GJC12BS-A6NRNJ1A Tranquility SeriesGJC08BU-A6NRNJ2A ...
品牌: TOSOT 封装: - 批次: - 数据手册: - 描述: 50 Pint Dehumidier with Pump DOE 购买数量: 库存:60 最小起订量: 1最小递增量: 1 数量 单价 1 413.2405 请发送询价,我们将立即回复。 产品信息 参数信息 用户指南 MfrTOSOT TypeDehumidifier ...