而我检查后发现朋友这块东芝V63700-C移动硬盘问题同样是接口接触不良。解决移动硬盘盒的接口故障,对于我们有点动手能力但动手能力又不是那么强的人来说,就是换硬盘盒了。 一、先看看这块东芝V63700-C移动硬盘 东芝V63700-C这款移动硬盘比较厚,我当时估计它可能采用了老式的12.5mm的笔记本硬盘做盘芯。 要换硬盘盒,...
also written on the box:M/N v63700-Abe carefull it is "made in china", not "made in philipinnes" like the ones we get nowon the hard drive the number written is : MQ01UBD050the hd is still with specialist so i can't give you more detail right now but if i mail/call them I...
May 29, 2012 5:15 AM in response to DlerAgha I am struggling with the same - however it is the v63700 drive - I am currently working w/ Apple under warrentee. Thei drive will mount with ANY other Mac. - it HAS mounted a couple of times. I formatted it Mac OS Extended (Journa...
一、先看看这块东芝V63700-C移动硬盘 东芝V63700-C这款移动硬盘比较厚,我当时估计它可能采用了老式的12.5mm的笔记本硬盘做盘芯。 要换硬盘盒,必须拆拆拆。东芝的这款移动硬盘,硬盘盒采用的卡扣固定,于是拆解有点麻烦,难以避免卡扣断裂的损坏。不过,反正硬盘盒要换,也就无所谓了。各种撬机棍、撬机片的使用,将...