選擇「開始」、「所有程式」、「TOSHIBA TEC」、「TPCL 印表機驅動程式」和「PnP 復原」(註:以具有管理權限的使用者身分登入)。可能會顯示「使用者帳戶控制」對話方塊。在這種情況下,請按一下[允許]。當出現右側畫面時,按一下[安裝]按鈕。您可以在使用手冊中閱讀有關安裝驅動程式的更多資訊。使用者手冊位於驅動...
(1= space 0.1%, 0%= No correction) Note: Be sure to set “0” for the bitmap/writable character Specify the storage location of the selected TEC font. Drive (Store in) Note: Set a proper value according to the External Equipment Interface Specification (TPCL command manual). Note 1: ...
CUPS Raster Driver for Toshiba TEC TPCL based label printers. cupstoshibacups-filters UpdatedFeb 22, 2021 C Control a TOSHIBA AC with a anavi infrared PHAT plugged on a raspberry pi raspberry-pidomotictoshibaairconditioning UpdatedMar 18, 2018 ...
3-12 (1-2) In TPCL mode (issue) H/T Printer (1) Bluetooth connection request (1) Bluetooth connection response (2) Status request [ESC] WS [LF] [NUL] command Check printer Command (You do not need to status before send it, but if you registration want to know the SOH STX Status...
Printer Driver Windows 11/10, Windows Server 2022/2019, SAP, CUPS driver for Linux, macOS SDK iOS, Android, Windows, Java Interface USB 2.0 HS (USB host/HID support), LAN10/100/1000 BaseT, RS232C(1), WLAN802.11ac/a/b/g/n/ax(1)(2), Expansion I/O(1) Language mode TPCL Label ...
Printer Driver Windows 10/8.1 (32/64 bit), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2012, SAP Language Mode TPCL, ZPL II, BCI (function) OPTIONS Disc cutter, Peel-off module, Fan fold guide, RS232, Centronics, Wireless LAN, EX I/O, RFID Kit* (*) For T1 model on...
The printer driver’s properties screen also has Parameter Fine Adjustment menu. [PAUSE] <3>ADJUST SET FEED ADJ.+10.0mm <3>ADJUST SET CUT ADJ. +10.0mm <3>ADJUST SET BACK ADJ. +5.0mm <3>ADJUST SET X ADJUST +50.0mm <3>ADJUST SET ...
Furthermore, self-diagnosis, test print, RAM clear to initialize the printer settings, pre-shipment adjustment for factory use, and the menu which enables saving parameter settings, external characters, TPCL commands to the external USB memory or copying the data from the USB memory to the ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Toshiba东芝 条码打印机BA410BCP Setting tools设置工具(版本V001.020.002)(13).pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Toshiba东芝条码打印机BA410BCPSettingtools设置工具(版本V001.020.002)(13)用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 ...
Furthermore, self-diagnosis, test print, RAM clear to initialize the printer settings, pre-shipment adjustment for factory use, and the menu which enables saving parameter settings, external characters, TPCL commands to the external USB memory or copying the data from the USB memory to the ...