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How Tiffany Dufu, President of Tory Burch Foundation, Advances Women And Girls Entrepreneurs need "people that have gone through the same thing that you're going through, particularly… By Kathryn Hopkins Sep 19, 2024, 1:00am VoicesFrom The Newsroom ...
Founded in 2004 in New York City, Tory Burch is an American luxury brand known for beautiful, timeless pieces and rich storytelling that evokes optimism and joy. Tory is a fashion designer who draws inspiration from her parents’ effortless style, the worlds of travel, art and interiors, and ...
Tori Bozzie (Tory Burch) launched her first official career. Xiu Yan 。 For birch, the use of soft seaside tones such as light green and shell pink, and the 1920s romanticism, is only a starting point. This 1960s and 70s style queen uses more geometric prints, bohemian tunic and short ...
TORYBURCH汤丽柏琦官方微博 22-05-7 12:00 来自微博 #星动ToryBurch# 演员@周洁琼_OFFICIAL 佩戴#ToryBurch2022春夏系列# #TMonogram# 印花丝带出镜,温婉知性,于绿丛中惬意驻足。 周洁琼超话 û收藏 12579 1131 ñ14110 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在...
歌手及演员 @周洁琼_OFFICIAL 身着蕾丝双T Logo衬衫式连衣裙搭配 #ToryBurch2021秋冬系列# #GoodLuckTrainer# 清新出镜。层次丰富的拼接色调勾勒足尖,温柔气质与淡雅色彩正相配,青春气息满满。点击前往官网O网页链接,立即探索 周洁琼超话 同款单品。 ...
Founded in 2004 in New York City, Tory Burch is an American luxury brand known for beautiful, timeless pieces and rich storytelling that evokes optimism and joy. Tory is a fashion designer who draws inspiration from her parents’ effortless style, the worlds of travel, art and interiors, and...
#星动ToryBurch# 演员 @周洁琼_OFFICIAL 搭配 #ToryBurch2022春夏系列# #TMonogram# MCGRAW 手袋出镜,海军蓝色柔软皮革包身,装载无限春日畅想,自由洋溢明媚心境。#周洁琼[超话]#
TORYBURCH汤丽柏琦官方微博 22-09-9 13:30 发布于 上海 来自 微博 #星动ToryBurch# 演员@周洁琼_OFFICIAL 身着#ToryBurch2022秋冬系列# 搭配克莱因蓝 #Ladybug瓢虫鞋#,梦幻色调,治愈纯净秋日,召唤专属小幸运。 周洁琼超话 û收藏 6884 1025 ñ7989 评论 o p 同时转发...
#ViVi流行报# Tory Burch 2023春夏系列大秀,在日落时分的哈德逊河76号码头拉开帷幕。此系列呈现彼此对立的两种倾向:无拘无束的恣意创新;又或化繁为简的设计理念。简约线条与空灵色调低调映衬全新材质及廓形。该系列选用超细针织、科技缎面和轻盈针织等创新奢华面料,充分贴合身形。围裹式廓形,运动分离式设计,以及由...