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鞋履:系带尖头高跟鞋借鉴2024秋冬系列镂空孟克鞋,本季主打及膝长靴同样采用尖头设计。蟒蛇纹皮革、豹纹小牛皮、泼漆印花小牛皮与深红色小牛皮风格自来,为简约造型增添瞩目亮点,亦与斑点花呢、佩斯利图案提花和T Monogram牛仔面料碰撞出灵感火花。 配饰:夺目型格,轻盈质感。本季垂肩耳环与层叠项链的灵感源自古董水晶珠宝...
Tory Burch said she was impressed by business owner Sashee Chandran's pitch. By Kali Hays May 17, 2018, 8:16pm FashionFashion Scoops Danica Roem, Margaret Atwood Speak Out at Tory Burch ‘Embrace Ambition’ Summit The summit's afternoon panels also included Katie Couric and Julianna Margulies...
La Maison Jade玉琼品牌2024春夏高级成衣首秀于魔都宝格丽闪耀启航 Sarah Burton的过去与未来,献给了这一季的Alexander McQueen 与“时”俱进,返“濮”归真,2023濮院时装周圆满闭幕 ELLE专访mithworld设计总监Demon Zhang:2023秋冬系列 「Big World Bibilee Studio 2023秋冬系列以“看不见的城市”为题,延续未来式少女主义...
Tory Burch has launched a 2025 Lunar New Year collection and campaign that pays tribute to the upcoming Year of the Snake. See the photos and details.
Here is the domain information about . Domain Name: Domain Age: 5 years Time Left: -3 years (2021-02-16) Domain Owner: - Owner's Email: Name server: f1g1ns...
Exude some all-eyes-on-you magnetism when you walk through the street in these Amelia backless loafers from Tory Burch. The fusion between slippers and loafers is one of the season’s top trends (think formal + breezy) and these just make our inner-child
TORY BURCH: We are doing most of our manufacturing in China. We do our footwear in Brazil, we do handbags in Italy, we do things in India, so we’re all over but most of our manufacturing is done in China. I would love to be able to make things in America, for sure. I think...
Tory Burch 是美国奢华时尚生活方式品牌,充分体现了品牌主席、首席执行官兼设计师Tory Burch的个人风格和精神。品牌创立于2004年2月,产品从成衣、鞋包到配饰、化妆品,皆以其色彩、印花以及不拘一格的细节而闻名。汤丽柏琦 (Tory Burch) 吸收她的理解的老式服装,时装的历史和剪裁,然后运用大胆的图形、颜色,传达出现...
Tory Burch是美国奢华时尚生活方式品牌,在中国加工制造的原因有以下几点:1. 为了降低企业的生产成本;2. 通过在中国设立代工厂来降低生产成本;3. 中国作为世界工厂,有较为低廉的劳动力成本,这使得许多品牌选择在中国设立代工厂。以上就是Tory Burch品牌在中国设立代工厂,产品标注“中国制造”的原因,...