选择TortoiseGit -> Delete (keep local),这将从 Git 的索引中删除文件,但不会从本地文件系统中删除。5. 测试过滤效果 最后,你可以通过尝试提交一些应该被忽略的文件来测试过滤效果。如果一切正常,这些文件将不会出现在提交列表中。 示例 假设你有一个包含以下文件的项目:...
6 6. 打开项目下的gitignore文件中,可以看到最后一行添加了如图所示的路径和文件,移除文件名后保存 7 7. 在commit代码后,找到和步骤6在同一个文件夹的所有文件,执行delete(keep local)操作。之所以这样做,是为了把已经追踪的文件从git中移除掉,只是保存到本地文件。8 8. 弹出如图所示的窗口中,选择remove ...
How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely? - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2003505/how-do-i-delete-a-git-branch-locally-and-remotely#targetText=Simply%20do%20git%20push%20origin,local%20branch%20ONLY!... Executive Summary $ git push --delete <remote_name> <...
Delete branch Remove remote Reset branch to commit Similarly, all of these actions can be redone using the Redo button if you undo them by mistake. TortoiseGit does not offer an equivalent feature. While you’re able to view both the log and reflog, that’s where your time travel abilities...
tortoisesvn/test/mergediff/TortoiseDoc_zn.po Go to file Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Copy permalink Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 23135 lines (20008 sloc) 989 KB Raw Blame Edit this file E Open in GitHub Desktop Open with Desktop View raw View blame This...