White, M.J. (2021). Mass Tort Litigation: Asbestos. In: Marciano, A., Ramello, G.B. (eds) Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_72-2 Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-...
then the person who hired the contractor is not generally liable for the resulting damage. If an employee did the same thing, the employer would be liable so long as the employee was acting within the line and scope of his or her employment, which is usually a fairly easy hurdle for plai...
Illustrates how to compile the ideal set of revision notes Covers the essential modules of study for undergraduate llb and conversion-to-law GDL/CPE courses Additional online revision guidance such as sample essay plans, interactive quizzes and a glossary of legal terms at www.unlockingthelaw.co...
Bringing Privacy Law Out of the Closet: A Tort Theory of Liability for Intrusions in Public Places The Rhetoric of Gun Control It’s a Wonderful Life: The Case for Hedonic Damages in Wrongful Death Cases Your Money or Your Life: Interpreting the Federal Act Against Patient Dumping ...
The rule on strict liability is regarded by many specialists as the central building site of the Principles of European Tort Law (PETL). The following contribution first gives a brief overview of the current state of the law in Europe regarding this area
Law under42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging that her First Amendment rights to political expression and free association were abridged by the Dean’s decision not to hire her. The question before the Eighth circuit is whether such a claim is even possible under the law, and the court decided ...
Don't forget, it's easy tochange your coverageat any time – just contact your insurance agent with the details. This guide is not a complete summary of the Pennsylvania Auto Insurance Law. It is designed to highlight certain important features of this law and should not be considered...
It has excelled in this work, too, creating a body of common law in Texas that is thoughtful, well reasoned and appropriate to the times. We are fortunate that our Supreme Court is fair, honest and competent. Four of its justices are on the ballot this year: Nathan Hecht, Jeff Boyd,...