5、With another exhalation, lean the torso forward from the groins over the right leg.随着另一个呼气,把躯干向前屈到右腿的上方。 6、Press the thighs back and lengthen the torso forward, lifting through the top of the sternum.把大腿压向后,并拉长躯干前侧,通过胸骨的上端来上提。 7、Engage you...
this party-ready pants look has wide legs and no defined waist. Plus, there's the added bonus of drapey vertical pleats, which further elongate the frame. Lean into its '70s vibe with big hoop
Again, she even has this little indentation that I even do. And it's so funny because it's on the same breast. I'm going to give you a 360 so you can see it from the side. Let's lean it over to see what it would look like. So if you want to put her in different position...