在PIDR上,有限生成的无挠模是秩有限的自由模. 设M无挠 ,生成元为S={ai}1≤i≤n,取其中极大...
Looking for torsion module? Find out information about torsion module. A module M over an entire principal ring R is said to be a torsion module if for any element x in M there exists an element a in R such that a ≠ 0 and ax =... Explanation of torsion
In this article, we formalize a torsion Z-module and a torsionfree Z-module. Especially, we prove formally that finitely generated torsion-free Z-modules are finite rank free. We also formalize properties related to rank of finite rank free Z-modules. The notion of Z-module is necessary ...
torsion free module专业释义 <数学> 无扭模词条提问 欢迎你对此术语进行提问>> 行业词表 石油纺织轻工业造纸采矿信息学农业冶金化学医学医药地理地质外贸建筑心理学数学机械核能汽车海事消防物理生物学电力电子金融财会证券法律管理经贸人名药名解剖学胚胎学生理学药学遗传学中医印刷商业商务大气科学天文岩土工程测绘土木工程...
A Duality for Torsion-Free Modules of Finite Rank Over a Discrete Valuation Ring The notion of --torsionfree modules with respect to a bimodule is introduced, which is characterized in terms of left addR -approximations. The notion of -... Arnold,David,M. - 《Proceedings of the London Mat...
(it does not remain plane). If the warping is different in various sections, then normal stresses also arise in the cross sections of the rod, in addition to tangential stresses. In this case the torsion is called constrained. In free torsion, in which the warping in all sections is ...
A module is extending if every complement submodule is a direct summand. The authors continue their study [ibid. 25, No.3, 531-538 and 539-551 (1988)], giving a characterization of the extending property for pairs (M 1 ,M 2 ) such that M=M 1 ⊕M 2 and M is extending. The las...
Torsion module torsion neurosis torsion of a tooth torsion of appendage Torsion of testis torsion pendulum Torsion pendulum clock torsion pendulums Torsion scale torsion spasm torsion spasm torsion spasm Torsion spring Torsion subgroup torsion submodule Torsion-free abelian group Torsion-free group torsion-...
Most of the examples are based on an extension of Corner’s theorem, realizing certain countable rings as endomorphism rings of Abelian groups: Theorem: Let R be a reduced, torsion-free ring with 1≠0. Let M be a left R-module such that M + is a countable, reduced, torsion-free ...
torsion-free module Torsken torso Torsten Frings Torsten Hallman Torsten Wiesel 将“torsion"翻译成葡萄牙文 torção, torcedura, torque是“torsion"到 葡萄牙文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:This subheading includes coil torsion springs and volute springs. ↔ Esta subposição compreende, por ...