The meaning of TORSION BAR is a long metal element in an automobile suspension that has one end held rigidly to the frame end and the other twisted and connected to the axle and that acts as a spring.
1) torsion bar suspension 扭力杆式悬架2) Torsion bar suspension 扭杆悬架 1. A optimum design method of auto torseion bar spring and torsion bar suspension is introduced,and it is programmed. 阐述了一种汽车扭杆弹簧及扭杆悬架的优化设计方法 ,编制了求解程序 ,并对某车型进行了实例计算 。
美 英 un.扭转悬置 英汉 un. 1. 扭转悬置
suspension bar 吊杆 torsion bar retainer 扭力杆限制块 相似单词 torsion n. 扭转,转矩 SUSPENSION 悬挂,悬吊;悬浮;悬置[U] suspension n. 1.暂停,中止 2.暂令停职(或停学等) 3.悬架,悬置机构 4.悬浮液 5.悬,挂,吊 6.省略号 7.高架铁路 8.暂缓;推迟;延期 BAR =Backup Address Register 后备地...
torsion-bar suspension 扭转悬置; 扭力杆式悬架 希望采纳哦!
The torsion bar simultaneously represents the bearing point of the suspension so that with deflection no sliding movements ensue, only deformations. Two offset axes of the torsion bars guide the swinging arm of a running wheel, whereby the deformations, which arise with deflection in the structural...
Torsion bar - Professional Torsion Bar Springs ,Car torsion bar suspension accessories manufacturer ,Zhejiang Masite Torsion Bar ,Sell all kinds of torsion bar, Car torsion bar suspension and Torsion Bar Springs
quadrifilar torsion suspension四边形扭转悬挂 suspension bar吊杆 torsion bar retainer扭力杆限制块 相似单词 torsionn. 扭转,转矩 independentadj. 1.独立的,自主的,自治的 2.不相干的人所做的(或提供的),公正的,无偏见的 3.不相关的,不受影响的,无关联的 4.(机构)私营的 5.自主的,有主见的 6.自立的,自...
A torsion bar suspension for an automotive vehicle includes powered means for remotely adjusting the trim height of the vehicle by varying the torque applied to the torsion bars. Height adjustment may be up or down or both from a normal ... ...
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