Our reviews team at TROYPOINT has ranked the best torrent sites below based on safety, content library, categories, user-interface, ad frequency, VPN compatibility, speed, popularity, and user feedback from forums like Reddit. Be sure to bookmark this page and check back on a regular basis ...
When choosing a torrent site to download torrents from, you’ll want to pick a site with more content than other websites, prioritizing whichever movies, anime, books, and games you wish to access. Some torrent sites that provide a smaller range of content are still as good as other sites...
Working torrent sites for games are always difficult to find. If you are a gamer or want to get into gaming, you must be looking for torrent sites to download video games. Today, many torrent websites have a collection of popular video games for both mobile and PC. In this article, we...
Invitations to confidential torrent sitesappear for a short while, then disappear. Sometimes, they are posted on popular community forums like Reddit and 8chan. In order to have access to these platforms,someone from the inside must have access privileges. Another way to access private torrent sit...
We have tried to cover almost all the best torrenting sites you must know. So, you have a chance to download the latest movies, software, as well as games, or files without spending a single cent on them. When you are searching for some great content, then the list mentioned above wil...
FacebookRedditTwitterPinterestLinkedInPocket Download & Stream from Top Torrent Sites Anonymously Note that when you download files using a BitTorrent protocol client, you also participate in the P2P sharing of those files.This is how torrents work. ...
Nyaa is generally acknowledged as one of the best anime torrent sites in this filed. It owns an extremely large torrent library, which outstrips most of its alternatives. And the content involves all aspects relevant to anime, such as TV series, films, music, novels, pictures, and games. Me...
legacy of its predecessor. Web design is pleasing with a modern layout and plenty of links to its categories like software, games, movies, music, and anime. A huge library and user group posit ISOHunt as one of the most recommended torrenting sites 2017. [Read:Install qBittorrent using ...
On the other end of the spectrum, we have individual torrent repositories, including some of the most popular ones - such as ThePirateBay, 1337X, and RARBG. We also have specializedtorrent websites for music,anime,comics,textbooks,ebooks,macOS software,audiobooks,games,TV shows,software, andmo...
With executable files like video games, it's even more important to make sure that the installation isn't malicious in any way. Though there is always the possibility of that happening on a private tracker, that likelihood is greatly reduced. ...