Fighting for the rights of clients is what Matthew does. In this case the arrest was found to be unlawful and the DMV agreed to set aside the license suspension following a hearing. The client was arrested on Interstate 5 in Los Angeles for driving under the influence. A breath test at t...
handled all Court appearances. Matt was able to get the high breath test.20 BAC enhancement dismissedand worked out a resolution for informal probation. The disposition saved the client from a mandatory 10 month DMV suspension and a 9 month alcohol class andthe client never had to appear in ...
and argument that the breath results were inadmissible due to a lack of foundation of the "time of driving". He further argued the "3 hour presumption" was inapplicable. The DMV hearing officer agreed with Matt's arguments andSET ASIDE THE 1 YEAR DMV SUSPENSIONand gave back the license. To...