PROTORQUE has announced its X8 Series race torque converters – the first true innovation since the original 8” torque converter was introduced sixty years ago – for 600-2,000+ horsepower applications. Working in conjunction with David Barton of the famed Ray Barton Racing Engines enterprise on...
What is horsepower and torque? How do they relate to each other, where do they come from and how do you convert from one to the other?
AND it is UNFAIR to compare horsepower and torque values THAT ARE NOT AT EQUAL RPMs! AND it is a little dishonest to present the two graphs with the vertical scales not at the exact heights! Finally, I notice that you are guilty of all these things which would help your...
Goodies Speed Shop, Goodies, Jason Colby, Drag Racing, Official Website of Goodies Speed Shop, Power, Drag, Speed, Race, Racing, Funny Car, Altered, Dragster, Hot Rod, Rat Rod, Colby, Drag Strip, Horsepower, Competition, Bracket, Engine, Transmission, Tu