For example, if the torque values are marked every 10, and you want to choose an intermediate torque, let’s assume 15 Nm, then you turn the handle until you reach the value of 10 and set the position on the handle to 0, then turn it to position “5”. After setting the right to...
Torque Values =inch-lbs Bolt Size18-8 Stainless SteelBrassAluminum 2024-T4316 Stainless SteelNylon 2 - 562. 4 - 405. 4 - 486. 6 - 329.67.95.310.12.14 6 - 4012.19.96.612.7 8 - 3219.816.210.820.74.30 ...
lol. I only use it for dissimilar metals, like steel studs threaded into aluminum. I know some people do use it on wheel lug nuts and spark plugs. Plus, I think the manufacturer's torque specs are usually for lightly oiled threads. The manual providing the specs should really say if ...
TMCRP237A,“TorqueCheckingGuidelinesForDiscWheels”for individualfeetmaintenancealternatives. NOTE:Inallapplicationswhereanaluminumdiscwheelistobeinstalled, aspecialinnercapnutmustbesubstituted or a standard inner cap nut. Tightening Sequence 6-Stud Hubs 10-Stud Hubs ...
Lubrication added during assembly is one method of minimizing the galling effect of the threads in stainless steel joints. Molylub, with solid molybdenum disulphide particles or other solid film lubricants containing silver, aluminum, or copper may also be used. Lubricants containing graphite are not...
With the seat being the main point of friction where torque is measured, extreme caution must be used if an anti-seize lubricant is applied to the threads as excess can either drip or be pushed onto the lug seat resulting in inaccurate torque values. A thread chaser or tap should be used...
To convert torque values for other units, click on the unit you are starting with below and a popup window calculator will provide you a quick way to make the conversions: Inch Ounces Inch Pounds Foot Pounds milli Newton metres centi Newton metres ...
There are also certain situations where a torque wrench cannot fit, so it is important to develop a feel for the load. Using a torque wrench and feeling by hand can help speed this learning process. If a torque wrench is not available, it is still useful to use torque values as a guid...
and that the eighth multiplexer channel can be used for temperature acquisition. With a test arrangement for which these aspects were taken into account, excellent values were demonstrated with respect to noise characteristics, whereby the entire electronics had to be supplied with only a voltage of...
GeneralPurposeMetricScrewThreads-Tolerances-Part1:Principles andBasicData. ISO898/1 MechanicalPropertiesofFastenersMadeofCarbonandAlloySteel– Bolts,ScrewsandStuds. ISO898/2 MechanicalPropertiesofNutswithSpecifiedProofLoadValues–Coarse Thread. ASTMA109/109M ...