City of Toronto - Repeal of Zoning Bylaw 1156-2010Brian T. Parker MCIP
In his pursuit of noise reduction, Dr. Hastings instead began with another auditory irritant: the crowing of roosters in the morning. In 1912, Hastings proposed a by-law to banish the animal from the city, with the noted exception of breeders’ roosters.The Mail and Empireasked – perhaps d...
But problems with neighbours and the City wouldn’t go away. It turned out that Mirvish went ahead with the conversion of the homes to commercial use without waiting for the zoning to change. As he later noted, “If I had waited for them, I would have been an old man. In those days...
STAFF REPORT 1510 King Street West – Application to amend the ( former ) City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86 – Final ReportYork, EastCouncil, CommunityLicensing, Municipal