Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) is a leading comprehensive innovation university integrated into Canada’s largest and most diverse city. Culturally diverse and inclusive, the university is home to 40,000+ students from 140+ different countries and 245,000+ alumni w...
虽然仍有很多本地人习惯性地称之为瑞尔森大学Ryerson University,但新入学的年轻人更喜欢大学的新名字: Toronto Metropolitan University多伦多都会大学,简称TMU。 TMU学生宿舍严重短缺 过去10年,Ryerson University (现在的TMU)的校园一直在扩展,教学楼的数量和总面积增长很快,但学生宿舍非常短缺。大学毎年招收近1万名一...
TorontoMetropolitan University 多伦多都会大学成立于1948年,曾用名瑞尔森大学,于2022年官宣更名为多伦多都会大学。多伦多都会大学位于安大略省的加拿大最大城市多伦多市中心,是一所典型的城市大学,以其创新和职业力量成为领先的学校。很多学生选择多伦...
Discover Toronto Metropolitan University, one of ILSC's University Pathway Partner Schools, located in Ontario, Canada.
Toronto Metropolitan University Toronto, Canada 14954 CAD / full 4 months Featured View more programmes History Established in 1948, Toronto Metropolitan University has a history rooted in innovative, career-driven education with the goal of addressing contemporary societal needs. Originally named Ryerso...
Explore courses offered by Toronto Metropolitan University International College in Canada. Find fee information, admission criteria and required IELTS scores. Apply now!
在周二的一份新闻稿中,学校宣布,瑞尔森大学理事会一致通过了将学校更名为多伦多大都会大学(Toronto Metropolitan University)的动议。 多伦多大都会大学(Toronto…
Get information on Toronto Metropolitan University at US News. Find out where the university is ranked globally based on its academic reputation and research.
Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) is a leading comprehensive innovation university integrated into Toronto's diverse urban core. Culturally di...