Ontario approves new transformer in partial decision on Toronto Hydro ratesOntario regulators on April 2 approved a partial decision settingndistribution rates for Toronto Hydro Corp. subsidiary Toronto Hydro-nElectric System Ltd.Michael LustigSnl Energy Coal Report...
Nuday Networks has connections to the top 4 Canadian fiber optic providers (Bell, Rogers, Cogeco, Zayo and Hydro One) to ensure fast, flexible connectivity and data synchronization between the main Internet providers and the data center in Toronto. Nuday also offers first-class business connectivi...
#2. Feed in Tariff (FIT) subsidy paid to multinational industrial wind energy corporations – Ministry of Energy – $1.6 billion per year for FIT contracts for wind energy plus $2 billion per year for discounted surplus hydro, so over the 20 year contracts $72 billion The Renewable Energy ...