Learn more about the 107cm TimeCutter ZS4200S Zero Turn Riding Lawn Mower from Toro. This mower features Smart Speed technology that allows you to choose three different speeds.
andrepairofmajorsystemsandcomponentsonthe Groundsmaster4300--D. ThissafetysymbolmeansDANGER,WARNING, REFERTOTHEOPERATOR’SMANUALFOROPER-orCAUTION,PERSONALSAFETYINSTRUC- ATING,MAINTENANCEANDADJUSTMENTTION.Whenyouseethissymbol,carefullyread INSTRUCTIONS.SpaceisprovidedinChapter2ofthistheinstructionsthatfollow.Failuretoob...
car oil should not be used in lawnmowers. Oils come in different viscosity grades, i.e. the thickness of the oil. SAE 30 is a thicker oil than an SAE 20 oil. Always check the oil level before using a Craftsman
Remove the filler cap. This will help the oil drain from the engine. When the oil is finished draining, replace the drain plug or close the valve. In riding mowers the oil will drain on its own; however, with push mowers, the mower will have to be tilted to help the oil drain. Pla...
The oil on your Toro lawn mower should be changed after its first 2 hours of operation. Remove all of the fuel from the tank if it is not already empty. The safest way to do this is simply to set the lawn mower outside, turn on the engine and let it run until all the fuel is...
before we start of the pandemic, there was a huge opportunity with 5G. The recognition in the pandemic that there is a broadband gap that needs to be closed. And then all of the infrastructure investment that's coming for underground utilities for telecommunications and repair rejuvenation a...