Mikasa4231‘So much damage’: News 4 revisits SE #OKC #tornado survivorshttps://
A forecaster called Tulsa and told them to take over; the OKC office had been hit by a tornado and could not function for a time. We went to our back door and looked northeast toward downtown Oklahoma City and saw a bowl-shaped funnel moving toward the south side of the city. I saw...
May 20, 2013: The Day an EF-5 Tornado Struck the OKC Metro A violent tornado, among 15 tornadoes state-wide, struck the southern OKC metro on this day causing heartache that resonated world-wide NWS Norman, OK May 16, 2023 Summary In Memory Of SPC Products Norman WFO Observations & ...
Highest Wind Speed Ever Recorded Known simply as "The May 3rd Tornado," this behemoth ripped though the OKC metro in 1999, not only destroying everything in its path, it recorded the highest wind speed ever measured on earth--over 300 MPH. Sometimes You Cant See Them Canva Sometimes You C...
NWS Norman on Twitter: "We may only have a handful of storms, but remember, it only takes one! Storms W of the OKC metro will be severe soon. #okwx / Twitter" NWS Norman on Twitter: "318pm - our first warning of the day is for Woods and Alfalfa counties. #okwx / Twitter" ...
wore a shirt dedicated to Oklahoma City's beloved local celebrity, meteorologist Gary England. (Other cities have dozens of famous people to gawk at. OKC has The Thunder, its NBA team; the Flaming Lips, the indie band; and Gary England. People freaking love him. There's even a Gary Engl...