Texas is no stranger to tornados and usually they are terrifying, but storm chasers in Silverton, TX managed to catch an absolute beauty of a Texas Twister on camera. On average, Texas has over 100 tornados a year, the most of any other state in the country by far. The tornado captured...
24 Girls from Texas who went missing in June are still missing as of July 16, 2023. These girls are from all across the State of Texas. Girls went missing from Dallas, San Antonio, Garland, Houston, Temple, and other cities across the state. They also range in age from 12 years old ...
He was born on April 21, 1930 , to Minnie and Martin Luther Gardner in Turkey, Texas. Charles was the youngest of seven children, and the only one born in Texas. Due to the Great Depression, his fam ily m oved back to Oklahom a, living in the Durant area. When Charles was 10 ,...