I have read your question with diligence.It looks that you had rupture of distal biceps about a year ago.I want to confirm this for your knowledge tat biceps tendon can be repaired at early stage if tissue quality is good.In early
Partial thickness tears can run anywhere between 1% and 50% of the tendon being torn so there is already a wide range of potential recovery outcomes if you’re a Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow sufferer with one of these kinds of tears. The percentage of tendon tornis probably the single largest...
of a torn UCL is pain inside the elbow, sense of looseness or instability in the elbow, tingling or numbness in the elbow, decreased ability to throw, or a pop, tearing, or pulling feeling at the time of the injury. The UCL will not heal on its own sosurgeryis the only option to ...
A baseball pitcher with medial elbow pain has burning pain in the forearm and pain and spasm with palpation of the pronator tendon. What conditions may be present? Orthopedists treat bone and joint injuries. Which of the following is most commonly seen in preteen...
The first step of the procedure is to prepare the location of the exit point on the tibial plateau for the transtibial tunnel (Fig 2). Our preference is to use an elbow ACL reconstruction tibial guide, with a 40° to 45° angle, through the AM portal. The location of the fixation ...