200张撕纸海报设计艺术拼贴PNG透明纹理 + PS笔刷 Torn Paper edge textures 使用撕裂的纸张纹理创建惊人的设计!发现更多 200 种撕裂的纸张纹理,各种各样的垃圾形式 - 笔记本纸,将它们组合起来,并使用随附的画笔添加更多细节。 ...
You can try using the Live Trace functions in Illustrator. One other method I like is using Photoshop to create "work paths" from selections. It often generates more anchor points, but the results tend to look more accurate. Once the image of the torn paper edge is auto-tra...
Final Image: Torn Paper Vector Step 1: Torn Paper Vector To begin this Torn Paper Vector tutorial, open your Adobe Illustrator and create a new document (Cmd / Ctrl + N). Your artboard can be of any size. The torn paper that we’re creating will work equally well in the RGB and in...