3 June, 2024 TORINO SCALE - scoring system used to rate the power and likelihood of an asteroid striking Earth [Coined the Professor Richard Binzel - of MIT - during the UN's 1995 conference in Turin, or Torino to locals] Coded by colour, the Torino scale has yellow - meriting ...
scale n. 1.[C]鳞;鳞片 2.[C]鳞状物;(尤指皮肤的)鳞屑. 3.[U] 水锈,水垢;牙垢. 4.[C]标度;刻度有刻度的量具 5.[C]量度制;进位制 6.[C]等级;级别 7 scale(pan) 天平盘 fish( )scale 鳞斑,鳞状脱皮 large scale a. 大规模的,大型的 lumber scale 木材等级 pilot scale 【化】 中...
都灵危险指数(Torino scale)是一套用作衡量近地天体撞击地球的指标,包括小行星和彗星。通常会给天文学家和公众透过整合撞击机会率和破坏力成一个数值,来评估其天体撞击地球的严重性。类似的指标有巴勒莫撞击危险指数(Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale),但比前者稍复杂。 都灵危险指数使用介乎0至10之间的整数数值...
This impact was rated 2 on the Torino Scale (TS, =-=Binzel 2000-=-) and in excess of −0.30 on the Palermo Scale (PS, Chesley et al. 2002). Further observations have reduced these values to TS=0 and PS< −3. Although we have a lot of dynamical information, up to now t.....
网络杜林危险指数表;都灵风险标度;都灵危险指数 网络释义
托里诺(意大利西北部城市)(即都灵) Torino是什么意思 网络 都灵; 都灵市; 都灵队词组短语 1.Torino Scale 杜林危险指数表;都灵风险标度;托里诺规模 2.Gran Torino 老爷车;经典老爷车;福特车 3.Stadio Olimpico di Torino 都灵奥林匹克体育场;都灵奥林匹克球场;球队主场都灵奥林匹克球场 4.torino di sangro 托里诺...
This project explores the intricate land-water dynamics of Italy's Po Delta, centering on the Porto Tolle Thermal Power Plant. It reimagines the territory's transition from industrial use to conservation and enhancement, redefining human-nature relationships. Through ...
Through multi-scale analysis, the project examines global trends alongside local realities, proposing flexible architectural and urban planning solutions to enable sustainable coexistence between land and water. Laguna Continua serves as both a landsca...
Over the years, we at Torino Shower Enclosure had implemented various shower screen, shower enclosure projects across Malaysia. We have vast experience in implementing our products in small quantity or in larger scale quantity. Browse over our project reference to find out more about us. ...
fingerboard material laurel fingerboard inlay dots number of frets 21, narrow tall, nickel scale length 25.5" nut width 1.650" nut material synthetic bone hardware bridge/tailpiece 6-saddle top-load hardtail with block saddles tuners sealed, die-cast electronics neck pickup squier ceramic singl...