TheCleveland Eye Clinicis pleased to offer the advanced AcrySof Toric® IOLs for astigmatism correction after cataract surgery. The recent advancements in intraocular lens (IOL) technology have now made it possible to provide an effective solution for patients that have astigmatism. Until recently,...
【中英双字】【小儿白内障】【先天性白内障】Surgery_ Pediatric Cataract Surgeries_ Dr Daniel Neely 1.1万 1 7:58 App 裂隙灯眼底检查新手教程(油管搬运) 1083 -- 3:26 App 【Toric人工晶体脱位】DISLOCATED TORIC MULTIFOCAL INTRAOCULAR LENS_ 3D ANIMATION and STEP浏览...
The corneas of many cataractous eyes have clinically significant astigmatism, and the corneas of almost all eyes have positive spherical aberration. The aspheric AcrySof IQ Toric intraocular lens (IOL; Alcon Laboratories Inc., TX, USA) compensates for both corneal astigmatism and corneal spherical...
近年来,散光矫正型人工晶状体(Toric intraocular lens,Toric IOL)为白内障合并散光患者提供了一种合理、稳定的治疗方式。Toric IOL散光矫正范围广,手术预测性强,术后效果良好、稳定,可以显著降低白内障患者术后的残留散光度数,改善患者的裸眼远视力和脱镜率,显著提高患者满意度。根据2021年Toric IOL全球市场报告,Toric I...
Learn more about the Clareon® Toric IOL and determine if it's the proper intraocular lens for your astigmatic patients. See benefits, specs, and use calculator.
比利时鲁汶大学医院Stéphanie Goes教授团队在Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery杂志发表研究结果,比较LASIK与Toric ICL治疗近视散光(≥-3D)的视觉和屈光结果。 方法: 通过文献电子数据库 (MEDLINE、Embase、Web of Science和Cochrane Library)于...
Toric IOL implantation seems to be an effective, predictable, and safe procedure in patients with cataract formation and high astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty. 展开 关键词: Keywords Penetrating keratoplasty Astigmatism Toric intraocular lens Cataract ...
lens [4,5,6,7,8]. Two studies show that about 60% of eyes undergoing cataract surgery have an astigmatism of up to 1.00 D (59.9% [9] and 58.7% [10]). Removing this astigmatism may further improve visual acuity after cataract surgery and implanting an EDOF IOL. If we consider that...
Does Long-term Soft Contact Lens Wear Affect Corneal and Anterior Chamber Parameters? Busin, "Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty followed by toric lens implantation for the treatment of concomitant anterior stromal diseases and cataract," Ophthalmology at Point of Care, vol. Customized Toric Intraocula...
Mini-incision cataract surgery and toric lens implantation for the reduction of high myopic astigmatism in patients with pellucid marginal degeneration[J]. Eye (Lond), 2015, 29(5): 637-642. DOI: 10. 1038/eye. 2015. 13. [10] Visser N, Ruíz-Mesa R, Pastor F, et al. Cataract surgery...