【人工晶体脱位】Yamane Technique Intraocular Lens Dislocation IOL Exchange 1202 0 13:53 App 【中英双字】【小儿白内障】【先天性白内障】Surgery_ Pediatric Cataract Surgeries_ Dr Daniel Neely 7402 1 00:57 App 【眼睑肿物切除术】eyelids mass removal 19.0万 117 02:49 App 眼睛白内障手术过程,3D演示。
The AcrySof Toric® IOL corrects for both conditions, cataracts, and astigmatism. The Acrysof Toric® lens is a foldable, single-piece lens that is implanted during cataract surgery to replace the clouded lens. The unique design of theAcrySof Toric® IOLmakes it possible to reduce or ...
CONCLUSIONS: Cataract surgery with toric intraocular lenses allows the correction of high degrees of regular corneal astigmatism. We discussed the potential advantages and complications of performing toric lens cataract surgery as a secondary procedure....
Barrett公式之父Graham Barrett教授(澳大利亚)、 Ronald Yeoh教授 (新加坡)、Hungwon Tchah教授 (韩国)线上共商如何规范化Toric IOL临床应用,如何最大化Toric IOL临床效果,并在2021年6月将其发表于APACRS杂志“It’s a Toric world——Optimizing cataract surgery outcomes...
新近于2021年7月发表于J Cataract Refract Surg的一项回顾性分析2纳入了美国眼科学会IRIS注册数据库中行白内障手术并植入单焦点Tecnis Toric IOL 或 AcrySof IQ Toric IOL的患者数据,旨在比较该两种市售单焦点Toric IOL植入后1年内IOL...
[8] A F elipe, Artigas JM, A Díez-Ajenjo, et al. Residual astigmatism produced by toric intraocular lens rotation[J]. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 2011, 37(10):1895-1901. [9] Zhu X, He W, Zhang K, et al. Factors influencing 1-year rotational stability of AcrySof ...
目前,我国白内障患者中约58%合并0.75D以上的散光,如不矫正会影响白内障术后视力及视觉质量【1-2】。《我国散光矫正型人工晶状体临床应用专家共识》建议规则性角膜散光≥0.75D的患者可以选择考虑植入散光矫正型人工晶状体(Toric IOL)【3...
Toric Intraocular Lens vs. Peripheral Corneal Relaxing Incisions to Correct Astigmatism in Eyes Undergoing Cataract Surgery白内障手术 屈光矫正 人工晶体 散光 角膜 切口 松解 眼睛Zhiping LiuDepartment of Ophthalmology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510260, China....
[2]Donmez O, Asena B S, Aydin Akova Y. Subjective and objective clinical outcomes of a new trifocal toric intraocular lens and effect of femtosecond laser cataract surgery[J]. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021: 11206721211046496
Kevin Lavery, MD, describes his technique for implanting a 1-piece acrylic astigmatic lens (Tecnis Toric IOL, Abbott Medical Optics) through a 2.2-mm incision or even smaller.Dr. Lavery By Kevin Lavery, MD; Special to Ophthalmology Times ...