Considered one of the best Japanese restaurants in Mexico City and due to its remarkable success, Tori Tori moved to a bigger location in the same area of Polanco, Mexico City. Rojkind Arquitectos and Esrawe Studio teamed up to designed the new space....
Tori Tori Santa Fe是墨西哥城著名日本连锁餐厅的第五个项目,这是墨西哥城最现代化的地区,拥有现代感十足的写字楼。当地的跨学科设计工作室Esrawe从武士盔甲和日本文字中汲取灵感,将日本工艺与几何抽象结合起来,创造出一个完全现代、简朴但又不失诗意的空间。 Located in Santa Fe, Mexico City’s most modern ...
esrawe studio: Tori Tori Santa Fe, Mexico CityINTERIOR decorationDESIGN protectionSUSHI restaurantsEMAILGEOMETRIC shapesThe article offers review for Tori Tori Santa Fe, a sushi, located in Mexico City, which is designed by Esrawe Studio, and features white-oak sculptures that evoke the plates found...
Located in the commercial district Santa Fe, the restaurant is the fifth Mexico City outpost for Japanese eatery Tori Tori. It is on the ground floor of a corporate office tower and encompasses several dining areas and a Japanese grab-and-go shop. Esrawe工作室在这个720平方米的空间中使用了黑色...
After participating in the design of Tori Tori Temistocles, once again Héctor Esrawe and Michel Rojkind were invited to collaborate in the development of the project for the new branch restaurant at the south of Mexico City. Save this picture!Courtesy of Rojkind Arquitectos. Image © Jaime...
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Services around the world High-qualified experts 24/7 availability 16:40 Hamburg 10:40 Washington 09:40 Mexico City 11:40 São Paulo 19:40 Mumbai 21:40 Bangkok Bases Of Operations Toribos is available worldwide on five continents with numerous offices on site. ...
If you love traveling to eat, here are some of the best cities for food in the world, from the US and Mexico to Italy and Japan. By Megan Michael Hanoi vs. Ho Chi Minh City Sep 23, 2024 • 11 min read From food and shopping to attractions and nightlife, here's the breakdown ...
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