eval() print(f'pytorch gpu: {np.mean([timer(model_ft_gpu,x_ft_gpu) for _ in range(10)])}') # TorchScript cpu version script_cell = torch.jit.script(model_ft, (x_ft)) print(f'torchscript cpu: {np.mean([timer(script_cell,x_ft) for _ in range(10)])}') # TorchScript g...
🐛 Describe the bug Hi I want to use autocast with a script model and had the following error. import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.amp import autocast class SimpleCNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(SimpleCNN, self).__init...
🐛 Describe the bug I used https://github.com/MichaelMonashev/bench_models/blob/main/bench_models.py to benchmark new torch version on vision neural networks. Here is results: Torch 2.0.1: CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900K cores: ...
目前ModelScope TTS(文本到语音)项目不支持直接导出为ONNX或TorchScript格式。 ModelScope TTS是一个...
Use PAI-Blade and TorchScript custom C++ operators to optimize a RetinaNet model,Platform For AI:To improve the post-processing efficiency of an object detection model, you can use TorchScript custom C++ operators to build the post-processing network tha
RuntimeError: THPDevice_Check(map_location.ptr())INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/root/pytorch/torch/csrc/jit/python/script_init.cpp":1769, please report a bug to PyTorch. 二、软件版本: -- CANN 版本: 8.0RC1 -- Pytorch 版本: 1.11.0 -- Python 版本: 3.9.16 -- 操作系统版本: Ubuntu 22.04...
🐛 Describe the bug When applying quantization to a CNN - ReLu - Batch Norm model, and converting it to Torchscript format, the inference fails. Reproductible code: import torch.nn as nn import torch from torch.quantization import get_def...
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration - TorchScript model doesn't work with autocast · pytorch/pytorch@e2e67a0
I have two identical models, one in code + weights, the other in TorchScript. Doing inference with TorchScript takes far, far longer, which is surprising. The setup: The non-TorchScript model is just the DenseNet-161 model archive from the README.me quick start. The TorchScript model is...