注意:今后需要使用中文版就必须从【ModLauncher】启动,你可以将【ModLauncher】制作一个替身放到桌面上即可,如下图: 火炬之光2(Torchlight II) for Mac 是Mac大神搜集的一款 Mac 系统上动作RPG游戏。火炬之光2(Torchlight II) mac版 有着各种丰富的随机关卡、敌人和战利品。火炬之光2(Torchlight II) mac版 在保...
ModLauncher Fix for visual issues on Windows XP machines. Added "Waiting for response from Steam" message to ModLauncher start-up. Added notification that time may be required before ModLauncher can be started when mods require updates. GUTS* Unit editors (monster, items, players props) now...
预览 [求助] 为什么我的ModLauncher.exe打开之后没反应 yangyitzzg 2013-4-17 21:43 17016 yangyitzzg 2013-4-18 21:33 预览 [求助] dat文件转txt为什么转不了? wjxwlx3 2013-4-17 21:31 11910 wjxwlx3 2013-4-18 21:15 预览 [求助] 谁来帮我把TXT转换成RAW。。。郁闷 6647328 2013-4-18 ...
TorchlightCam- Highly configurable mod that can set camera to follow the character, rotate etc. TL2Cam- Simple alternative to TorchlightCam. Torchlight Utility- Changes character's difficulty and activates/deactivates hardcore, retired and dead status (make sure to backsave dataup) ...
在Torchlight 2 文件夹中,找到【mods】文件夹,如果没有,新建一个;再将桌面上的【tl2cnmod.mod】拖入【mods】文件夹中,如下图: 3、在应用程序中找到软件,右键显示包内容进入:Contents/MacOS,双击打开【ModLauncher】,如下图: 4、点击+号,如下图:
aboutTorchlight II, from item and skill balance, to level layouts, animations, quests, and much more. GUTS mods can be shared with your friends, and multiplayer games using mods can be found in the modded games lobby. In addition, A new launcher lets you customize which mods are currently...
注意:今后需要使用中文版就必须从【ModLauncher】启动,你可以将【ModLauncher】制作一个替身放到桌面上即可,如下图: 火炬之光2(Torchlight II) for Mac 是Mac大神搜集的一款 Mac 系统上动作RPG游戏。火炬之光2(Torchlight II) mac版 有着各种丰富的随机关卡、敌人和战利品。火炬之光2(Torchlight II) mac版 在保...
Added notification that time may be required before ModLauncher can be started when mods require updates. GUTS* Unit editors (monster, items, players props) now have a "folder" column in the unit list. Added "find:" operator for expression filtering (i.e. "find:SuperAxe" will list all ...
预览 [讨论] EPIC下周送火炬之光2了。 柯剑 2020-7-10 21:27 41431 qwe635805366 2020-7-17 10:48 预览 [求助] 通过专区下载的版本是多少呀 三个拉 2020-7-12 01:37 0825 三个拉 2020-7-12 01:37 预览 [求助] 请问下怎么解决ModLauncher限制10个MOD的上限啊 flyyaco 2013-4-19 12:56 919873...