具体而言,torch gradcam通过将模型最后一层卷积层的特征图与分类器的权重相乘,并进行空间上的加权求和,得到最终的类别激活图。这样的类别激活图能够直观地展示模型对于分类决策的依据,帮助解释模型的预测结果。 二、torch gradcam的应用 1. 可视化模型决策过程:torch gradcam可以通过生成类别激活图,直观地展示模型对于输...
layer_name: Layer to use for Grad-CAM. Default is relu5_4 (use relu5_3 for VGG-16 and relu5 for AlexNet) question: Input question. Default is What animal? answer: Optional answer (For eg. "cat") to generate Grad-CAM for ('' = use predicted answer). Default is '' out_path: ...
cams import CAM model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() cam = CAM(model, 'layer4', 'fc') with torch.no_grad(): out = model(input_tensor) cam(class_idx=100) Please note that by default, the layer at which the CAM is retrieved is set to the last non-reduced convolutional layer...
arrow_drop_up0more_vert sir,the number covid image file is 2313,but why the number in your program reasult is 2276. of course, i have run your program,but i didn't find the reason.I would be grateful if you answer me. replyReply...