🐛 Describe the bug import torch import torch._dynamo torch._dynamo.config.capture_scalar_outputs = True @torch.compile(fullgraph=True) def f(x): return torch.tensor([x], dtype=torch.int64) print(f(torch.tensor(20))) fails with super().ru...
bitwise_not_() → Tensor bmm(batch2) → Tensor bool() → Tensor byte() → Tensor cauchy_(median=0, sigma=1, *, generator=None) → Tensor ceil() → Tensor ceil_() → Tensor char() → Tensor cholesky(upper=False) → Tensor cholesky_inverse(upper=False) → Tensor cholesky_solve(inpu...
1、mat (torch.Tensor or numpy.array) – 一个矩阵,每一行都是数据点的特征向量 2、metadata (list) – 标签列表,每个元素将被转换为字符串 3、label_img (torch.Tensor) – 图像对应每个数据点 4、global_step (int) – 要记录的全局步长值 5、tag (string) – 嵌入的名称 形状: mat: (N, D),其...
1、根据已有的数据,使用torch.tensor()创建tensor 2、torch.* 创建特殊大小的tensor,详见Creation Ops 3、torch.*_like 创建与其他tensor size相同或type相同的tensor,详见Creation Ops 4、tensor.new_*创建与其他tensor type相同,size不同的tensor 下面介绍tensor的操作 1new_tensor(data,dtype=None,device=None,r...
切片 torch.split(tensor, split_size_or_sections, dim=0) 将tensor 拆分成 size 个 切片 torch.tensor_split(input, indices_or_sections, dim=0) → List of Tensors 是按照索引拆分。相当于你指定了拆分位置的下标; 组合/拼接 torch.cat(tensors, dim=0, ***, out=None) → Tensor 拼接tensor 序列...
🐛 Describe the bug I was debugging NaNs that occurs in Adam when some gradients contains zeros and I've managed to reduce the problem that torch._foreach_add somehow fails to add constant to all tensors in the list. The following very sm...
torch、(一) Tensor The torch package contains data structures for multi-dimensional tensors and mathematical operations over these are defined. Additionally, it provides many utilities for efficient serializing of Tensors and arbitrary types, and other useful utilities.It has a CUDA counterpart, that...
q_per_channel_axis()) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Serialization is not supported for tensors of type {self.qscheme()}") args_qtensor = (self.storage(), self.storage_offset(), tuple(self.size()), self.stride(), quantizer_params, self.requires_grad, backward_hooks) return (torch._...
assert all(tensors[0].size(0) == tensor.size(0) for tensor in tensors) AssertionError 出现这个问题,我总结了两个原因1.Data.TensorDataset()里的两个输入,不是tensor类型我上面的from_numpy是将numpy.narray转换成tensor2.Data.TensorDataset()里的两个输入,维度不一致 比如下面的第一行,第一维代表数据...
sparse_coo_tensor(size=(5, 3)).to(device) result = to_tensor(inp, device=device, accept_sparse=True) assert self.tensors_equal(result, expected) Example #20Source File: metric_optimization_torch.py From pysaliency with MIT License 5 votes def build_fixation_maps(Ns, Ys, Xs, batch_...