addbmm_(beta=1, mat, alpha=1, batch1, batch2) → Tensor addbmm()的in-place运算形式 addcdiv(value=1, tensor1,tensor2) → Tensor 请查看torch.addcdiv() addcdiv_(value=1,tensor1, tensor2) → Tensor addcdiv()的in-place运算形式 addcmul(value=1, tensor1, tensor2) → Tensor 请查看torch...
具体来说,对于src中的每个值,其在张量self中的输出索引由其dimension != dim处的索引值和其对应在张量index中dimension= dim处的值所组成(这句话比较绕,看公式和下面的例子可以帮助理解)。 Writes all values from the tensor src into self at the indices specified in the index tensor. For each value in...
input(Tensor) - 输入张量 value(Number) - 添加到输入每个元素的数 out(Tensor, optional) torch.addcdiv(tensor, value=1, tensor1, tensor2, out=None): 用tensor2对tensor1逐元素相除,然后乘以标量值value并加到tensor上。 tensor(Tensor) - 张量 value(Number, optional) - 标量 tensor1(Tensor) - 张...
addbmm(beta=1, alpha=1, batch1, batch2) → Tensor addbmm_(beta=1, alpha=1, batch1, batch2) → Tensor addcdiv(value=1, tensor1, tensor2) → Tensor addcdiv_(value=1, tensor1, tensor2) → Tensor addcmul(value=1, tensor1, tensor2) → Tensor addcmul_(value=1, tensor1, tensor2..., dimension=0): 在给定维度上对输入的张量序列seq进行连接操作。 inputs (sequence of Tensors) dimension (int optional) - 沿着此维连接张量序列 torch.chunk(tensor, chunks, dim=0): 在给定维度上将输入张量进行分块 tensors(Tensors) - 待分场的输入张量 ...
Writes all values from the tensorsrcintoselfat the indices specified in theindextensor. For each value insrc, its output index is specified by its index insrcfordimension!=dimand by the corresponding value inindexfordimension=dim. 换句话说,也就是根据src中的值以及index(随方向控制具体的数字)和...
print(torch.gather(t, 1, torch.LongTensor([[0, 0], [0, 1]]))) torch.masked_select(input, mask, out=None) 根据掩码张量mask中的二元值,取输入张量中的指定项( mask为一个 ByteTensor),将取值返回到一个新的1D张量。 也就是在原本的input中选择部分数值。
Add : 对输入增加一个偏置项 Mul CMul 等等 进行基本Tensor运算的 View Transpose 等等 进行数学运算的 Max, Min, Exp, Mean, Log, Abs, MM:matrix-matrix multiplication. Normalize: normalize the input to have unit L-p norm 其他 Identity Dropout ...
Named Tensors using First-class Dimensions in PyTorch -- Zachary DeVito @Zachary_DeVito An implementation of named tensors with the functionality of einsum , batching (vmap, xmap), and tensor indexing by adding dimension objects to PyTorch. The tensor input to a resnet might have the shape [...
Tensor, np.ndarray] IntTupleBox = Tuple[int, int, int, int] class BoxMode(IntEnum): """ Enum of different ways to represent a box. """ XYXY_ABS = 0 """ (x0, y0, x1, y1) in absolute floating points coordinates. The coordinates in range [0, width or height]. """ XYWH_...