Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled #31 M1 AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled macbook安装环境chatglm2-6b的详细过程
I am running code on my macbook harryd337 commented Feb 8, 2024 I struggled for a long time with setting up on a macbook but gave up. I think CUDA is required. It has worked great on my PC that has an NVIDIA GPU with CUDA drivers installed....
等了一段时间后报错了:Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled,解决方式: 将这段代码: python model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("THUDM/chatglm2-6b", trust_remote_code=True).cuda() 修改为: model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("THUDM/chatglm2-6b", trust_remote_code=True).to('mps') 修改完后...
MacBook用不了CUDA 原因:MacBook不带显卡,CUDA 是 Nvidia专用的。 pytorch - AssertionError:Torch 未在启用 CUDA 的情况下编译 - VoidCC 切换到台式机做训练。台式机也用不了GPU? 查看cuda版本, nvcc -V 检查...
Launching Web UI with arguments: --medvram --precision autocast --ckpt-dir E:\Ia ckpt --disable-safe-unpickle --opt-split-attention-v1 --lora-dir D:\IA - Lora No module 'xformers'. Proceeding without it. Warning: caught exception 'Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled', memory monit...
AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled when 'AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled' I use my macbook to run this 'python3 --indir ${img_directory} --outdir examples/res' command to get the human pose, but the error says 'Torch AssertionError: Torch...
I tried to install the CPU version of torch but could not. uv pip install torch==2.1.0+cpu --find-links # and next command gives the same result. uv pip install torch==2.1.0 --index-url ...
Currently trying to use distributed on MacOS crashes because torch.distributed namespace is empty I vaguely recall it working a year ago. This is useful for quick sanity checks on my MacBook before deploying to cluster. Python 3.7.3 (def...
I still get an error when using this. My computer is a MacBook Pro M3 Maybe the torch version is not supporting using python version. When I had same problem, I change the python version for python@3.11. And, I make venv environment following this. python3.11 -m venv envSign...