torch.full_like(input,fill_value,*,dtype=None,layout=torch.strided,device=None,requires_grad=False,memory_format=torch.preserve_format)→ Tensor Returns a tensor with the same size as input filled with fill_value.torch.full_like(input, fill_value)is equivalent totorch.full(input.size(), fil...
torch.ones_like()与torch.ones()功能:创建全1张量,用法与zero相同。 torch.full() 和 torch.full_like() torch.full(size, fill_value, out=None, dtype=None, layout=torch.strided, device=None, requires_grad=False) torch.full_like(input, fill_value, dtype=None, layout=None, device=None, req...
input:创建与 input 同形状的全 0 张量 dtype:数据类型 layout:内存中布局形式 2.2.2 torch.ones() 与 torch.ones_like() 类似的,需要得到全 1 张量,只需要将zeros改成ones即可,上述两方法均有对应的方法。 2.2.3 torch.full() 与 torch.full_like() torch.full()依 input 形状和对应值fill_value创建...
x = torch.tensor([[1,2,3,4],[4,5,6,7],[7,8,9,10]]) # 根据x的形状创建一个新的张量,全赋值为0,同样的还有ones_like、full_like、randn_like等 y = torch.zeros_like(x) 张量形状 # 查看张量形状,返回一个Size Object: torch.Size([3,4]) x.shape # 查看张量中元素的总数,返回一个...
# torch.full(size,fill_value)# torch.full_like(input,fill_value)x=torch.full((2,3),0.5)print('torch.full=',x)y=torch.tensor([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]])x=torch.full_like(y,5)print('torch.full_like=',x)# 随机矩阵生成 ...
🐛 Describe the bug An inconsistency,torch.fmin,torch._C._special.special_entr,torch.full_likebetween eagermode and torch.compile is observed. When I adjust the order of the functions infowardlike below, no errors occur. ...
full_like(estDisp, dist) disp = self.disp_conv[index_disp_conv](estDisp) if index_disp_conv == 0: weight = dist_diff_weight * image_diff_weight fineDisp = disp * dist_diff_weight * image_diff_weight else: weight += dist_diff_weight * image_diff_weight fineDisp += disp * dist...
>>> end = torch.empty(4).fill_(10) >>> start tensor([ 1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> end tensor([ 10., 10., 10., 10.]) >>> torch.lerp(start, end, 0.5) tensor([ 5.5000, 6.0000, 6.5000, 7.0000]) >>> torch.lerp(start, end, torch.full_like(start, 0.5)) tensor([ 5.5000...
3. any of various lamplike devices producing a hot flame, used for soldering, burning off paint, etc. 4. Slang. an arsonist. 5. Chiefly Brit. flashlight (def. 1). v.t. 6. to subject to the flame or light of a torch. 7. to set fire to, esp. maliciously. Idioms: ca...
6.8.1 full 6.8.2 scatter_(重要) 7 运算 7.1 全部运算查看 7.2 乘法和矩阵乘 7.3 in-place操作 7.4 广播机制 7.4.1 右对齐,这个条件如何理解? 7.4.2 特例:不满足右对齐的维度为1可以自动补齐 7.4.3 额外不相干的小知识:数组新增一维的方法 7.5 取整/取余 7.6 三角函数 7.7 数学函数 7.8 统计学相关的...