4 添加环境变量(有坑) 接下来,需要把C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\v8.0\bin,添加到环境变量“PATH”中。(此处的path可能有大小写要求,我刚开始写Path报错,后来改成PATH,就好了)如图: 5 安装TensorFlow-gpu 在cmd中输入“pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==1.4",回车。如果显示安装成功应该就是成功了...
🐛 Bug The function torch.pow doesn't seem to check if the input tensors are on the same device. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: a = torch.tensor(2.0, device=torch.device('cuda:0')) b = torch.tensor(1.0) torch.pow(a,b) Expec...
🐛 Describe the bug Calling torch.linalg.eigh on a CUDA tensor fails, but the computation succeeds when the tensor is on the CPU. I have experienced this issue on CUDA 11.6, 11.7 and 11.8. This is a blocker towards executing the Shampoo o...
onnxruntime gpu 推理比 torch 还慢?问题排查 背景 原作者的项目txtai需要接 TTS,选用了ESPnet但在使用 onnx 导出模型并用 onnxruntime 测试以后,跟 torch 直接推理做了对比,发现比torch慢得多。 torch 推理的代码: import time from espnet2.bin.tts_inference import Text2Speech...
我有个问题,如果是整个模型都用checkpoint包装,只需要把input tensor的requires_grad设置为True就行了吧。但是这样模型的输出的requires_grad是False,找不到原因 2024-01-02· 上海 回复喜欢 Dufresne ZonLin The output of function can contain non-Tensor values and gradient recording is only performed ...
if release_env_var == "1": RELEASE = True if (gpu_arch_version := os.environ.get("CU_VERSION")) is None: gpu_arch_version = f"cu{__cuda_version__.replace('.','')}" if RELEASE: __version__ = os.environ.get("BUILD_VERSION") else: __version__ = f"{get_base...
The installation is success but the torch.cuda.is_available return false, so the inference result is not as expected. After using jtop to monitor, you can find the GPU utilization is also zero. Hence, the CPU version is installed in this way. ...
先装cuda,cudnn 再装anocoda 然后再装torch 看你电脑配置 打开英伟达控制面板 看里面的cuda版本 然后去搜对应的cuda,和cudnn 几个教程 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39797713/article/details/103947951 https://www.jianshu.com/p/d3a5ec1d9a08 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_44644355/article/details/105852062 ...
(early prototype) support for NVidiaGPUvia TensorRT through fx2trt (to be open sourced) 如果加上is_reference参数,量化后的模型则会仅仅保存量化信息,但实际跑的还是FP32精度的op(通过quantize->dequantize->fp32-op->quantize->dequantize)模型,一般称之为simulator quantize,也就是说模型可以通过quantize->deq...